Ciclovía at 50: What we can learn from Bogotá's Open Streets initiative
On 15 December 1974, residents in Bogotá, Colombia, closed 5 kilometres of a major city road to cars for a few hours. Ciclovía or Open Streets was born.
Marcela is passionate about cities and public space. Her personal and professional drive emanates from connecting with others and contributing to improve the place where she lives. Born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, Marcela lived in the US for most of her adult life before moving to South Africa in 2006. Marcela holds a Masters in Public Administration and International Affairs from Syracuse University. She has worked in policy and advocacy for over a decade in organisations that include The Carter Center, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Partcipation, and Fairtrade Africa. Marcela moved to Johannesburg in 2006 and worked in Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Kenya before moving permanently to Cape Town in 2011 where she founded Open Streets, a citizen-based NGO working to radically increase the use and ownership of streets as public space by individuals and communities across Cape Town. Marcela has recently co-founded Local South, a platform that supports and facilitates dynamic and locally-driven approaches that help build bridges across the Global South.
On 15 December 1974, residents in Bogotá, Colombia, closed 5 kilometres of a major city road to cars for a few hours. Ciclovía or Open Streets was born.
Estas tres lecciones sobre recopilación, acceso e intercambio de datos de transporte urbano de mercancías podrían inspirar colaboraciones público-privadas del Sur Global.
These three lessons on collecting, accessing and sharing urban freight data could inspire Global South public-private sustainable transport collaborations.
Según la OMS, cada año mueren aproximadamente 1,19 millones de personas a causa de accidentes de tráfico. Un evento sobre seguridad vial celebrado en Ciudad del Cabo puso de relieve soluc...
A road safety event in Cape Town highlighted that Africa has the highest number per capita of road fatalities. Here are three ways to improve road safety.
La guía UrbanShift sobre la colaboración público-privada en las ciudades del Sur destaca una serie de colaboraciones entre diversos agentes para acelerar ciudades sostenibles.
The UrbanShift guide on public-private collaboration for cities in the Global South highlights a range of collaborations across a diverse set of players.
Así es cómo las ciudades del Sur Global pueden aprender y trabajar juntas en soluciones de transporte verde para construir un futuro de movilidad con bajas emisiones de carbono que benefi...
Here's how cities in the Global South can learn and work together on green transport solutions to build a low carbon mobility future that benefits all.
Urban transport infrastructure built with non-motorised mobility in mind could transform Africa's cities for the better. Here's how that could work.
To build sustainable cities, we need to lessen our reliance on cars. One simple, practical and proven solution is make streets car-free temporarily - and it has some unexpected benefits, ...
Companies can take the lead on making transportation – and their cities – more sustainable. Here are three steps to get started.