Antonio Guterres backs new UN plan to end 'suicidal' war on nature
Antonio Guterres has lent his support to 'Making Peace with Nature', a new UNEP report, looking at how to tackle global environmental challenges.
Antonio Guterres has lent his support to 'Making Peace with Nature', a new UNEP report, looking at how to tackle global environmental challenges.
In 2020, temperatures globally were an average of 1.25 degrees C (2.7 degrees F) higher than in pre-industrial times.
September 2020 was the hottest September on record, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
El locutor británico, Sir David Attenborough, ha hecho llamamientos para que se inviertan miles de millones cada año para proteger la biodiversidad.
The British broadcaster, Sir David Attenborough, has led calls to invest billions every year to protect biodiversity.
La activista climática de 17 años instó a los líderes europeos a tomarse en serio el cambio climático, ya que se envió una carta abierta con miles de firmas a los líderes de la UE.
The 17-year-old climate activist urged European leaders to take climate change seriously as an open letter with thousands of signatures was sent to EU leaders.
As major economies put together packages to cushion the impact of the coronavirus, a new study suggests green public investment is the most cost-effective and ecofriendly solution.
“En este Día de la Tierra, todos los ojos están puestos en la pandemia de COVID-19, la prueba más grande que el mundo ha enfrentado desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial”.
According to predictions from the Global Carbon Project, COVID-19 could cause the biggest drop in carbon emissions since the Second World War.
The collapse of ocean ecosystems and rising seas levels; these are only a couple of the consequences that failure to reduce climate change would have on the planet, as well as the global ...
Cities to vanish under seas, rivers will run dry, marine life to collapse. These are all very real scenarios if carbon emissions aren't drastically cut immediately.
Big banks have started to acknowledge the role lenders will need to play in a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy.
The Extinction Rebellion protests in the United Kingdom prompted the government to declare a 'climate emergency'.