Critical minerals enable the energy transition. We must learn to use them sustainably
Critical minerals are a key asset in the transition to clean energy and decarbonization — but their extraction brings harm. Here's how we can balance that.
Mauricio Cárdenas, a former Minister of Finance of Colombia, is a visiting professor at Columbia University.
Critical minerals are a key asset in the transition to clean energy and decarbonization — but their extraction brings harm. Here's how we can balance that.
Latin America has the food and energy the world needs, and biodiversity that is key to contain the climate crisis. But leaders must make the right decisions.
Latinoamérica tiene los alimentos y la energía que el mundo necesita, y una biodiversidad que es clave para contener la crisis climática. Pero los líderes deben tomar las decisiones adecu...
To embark on its recovery from COVID-19, Latin America will need to address its two greatest weaknesses; the shortcomings in state capacity and its dual labor market, according to three e...
La pandemia ha puesto de manifiesto la fragilidad del sistema alimentario mundial y nos ha brindado la oportunidad de reconstruirlo con más fuerza que nunca.
The pandemic has highlighted fragilities in the global food system, and presented us an opportunity to rebuild it stronger than ever.
Colombia's former finance minister Mauricio Cárdenas warns that a comprehensive debt-repayment freeze could prove to be counterproductive for emerging economies.
En respuesta a la pandemia, muchos piden una paralización temporal del servicio de la deuda que abarque también a las economías emergentes. Pero tal congelación de pagos plantearía dos pr...