We need to invest in infrastructure for electric vehicles: here's why
The market in electric vehicles is growing fast – but not fast enough. To scale up effectively, we need to invest in battery swapping and electric roads
Dr Ben Dror has two decades of global career spanning public, private and third sector settings - focused on clean-tech and sustainable transportation. Maya was a Director at the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET), where she initiated and led successful projects such as China’s adoption of the zero emission vehicle credits and real-world emissions mandates. She co-founded BestEV, first global crowed-data EV ranking, led Global Corporate Strategy at Better Place, world's most invested start-up at the time, and formed multi-stakeholder partnerships for accelerating shared, connected, zero-emission and autonomous mobility adoption. Earlier in her career Maya served as Israel’s Trade Officer to China, where she facilitated numerous bilateral investments in clean tech, including energy, water, and mobility. She consulted mobility, water, energy startups along the way, loves the outdoors, and is a lifelong learner. She holds a PhD from Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), M.S. in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford, and B.S. in Economics and East Asian Studies from the Hebrew University (cum laude).
The market in electric vehicles is growing fast – but not fast enough. To scale up effectively, we need to invest in battery swapping and electric roads
Cities account for 50% of global emissions and transport emissions are rising. New mobility integrations need real-world data to help slash emissions.
The role of transport in the carbon emissions conversation emerged front and center at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Stakeholders collectively pledged to reach net-zero in transport by 20...
The current pace of transformation towards decarbonization is too slow. A new report proposes six sustainable mobility investment cases to speed things up.
To help meet the EU's emissions targets, the union should issue guidelines for road pricing, writes the World Economic Forum's mobility chief Maya Ben Dror.
The European Green Deal is a chance for car manufacturers to make their processes more circular, write the Forum's Maya Ben Dror and SYSTEMIQ's Tilmann Vahle.
By electrifying urban fleets, we can mitigate more than 70% of mobility CO2 urban emissions, remove 50% of city air pollution, and electrify rides to everyone – making the electrification...
New approaches to regulation can help countries transition away from 20th century transportation solutions and ensure countries can embrace the groundbreaking technologies of the future.
Nearly a quarter of workers have left a job because of the commute. Here's how we can create safer, greener, more dignified journeys for everyone after COVID-19.
Here's how the stimulus plans to come post-COVID can make mobility more sustainable.
Here's how the COVID-19 crisis drove mobility innovation in Israel - and what's needed to keep that innovation going.
COVID-19 inspired never-seen-before mobility collaborations between businesses and governments. Here are the sustainable, efficient and multi-modal trends leaders hope continue.
A new platform launched this week by Wunder Mobility can help bridge real-time mobility service information gaps widened after the coronavirus crisis.
虽然现在尚不能确定应对COVID-19的有效和无效方法,但我们已经可以评估新出行服务提供商为抵御病毒传播所做的贡献。 当前人们的许多努力,都集中在提高效率、确保安全和充分利用现有系统上。 即使在危机过去之后,这些策略中的每一种,都可以提高我们出行系统的效率和效力