The EBC has consistently missed the mark on inflation – here’s how it can change that
To maintain credibility, the ECB should adopt a two-pronged strategy focusing on a medium-term inflation target and systematically smoothing financial cycles.
Graduate, Cologne University. Formerly: lectured at European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel and Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, where he serves as honorary professor; Secretary-General, German Council of Economic Experts; Chief Economist, DG Bank; Chief Economist and Head, Research DZ Bank. With Allianz: advises board on economic and strategic issues; responsible for analysis and forecasts of German and international economy, financial markets and risk analysis.
To maintain credibility, the ECB should adopt a two-pronged strategy focusing on a medium-term inflation target and systematically smoothing financial cycles.
Forecasting population growth or decline is tricky, but German policymakers need to consider the impact of changing demographics on economic growth.
Michael Heise, Chief Economist of Allianz, evaluates President Trump's tax plan.
Quizás lo más importante sería que un nuevo paradigma reconocería que los bancos centrales tienen límites en su poder y su capacidad de visión de futuro.
The distribution of income and wealth has been changing dramatically over the last decade.
La clave de este progreso ha sido el éxito de las economías emergentes, especialmente China. Y, por cierto, muchos de los que se han sumado al grupo de los súper ricos no pertenecen a los...
Michael Heise argumenta en contra de la utilización del helicóptero monetario.
Michael Heise argues against the use of helicopter money.
Are helicopter drops little more than theoretical debate?