This what climate change might do to tree growth
Combing tree-ring data with US Forest Service Inventory data, researchers have found that tree growth could be significantly impacted by climate change.
Combing tree-ring data with US Forest Service Inventory data, researchers have found that tree growth could be significantly impacted by climate change.
While dry events in California are not getting drier, extreme wet weather events have steadily increased in magnitude since the middle of the last century.
Extreme snowmelt can be deadly and destructive, but researchers hope that their work will help understand the influence of climate change.
More record-breaking temperatures will occur in the tropics, according to a new study that analyzed temperature data from the last 60 years in the region.
En un estudio publicado en el Journal of Hospital Infection, los investigadores evaluaron la capacidad de diversos materiales de máscaras no tradicionales para proteger a una persona de l...
In a study in the Journal of Hospital Infection, researchers assessed the ability of a variety of nontraditional mask materials to protect a person from infection.