Minos Bantourakis

Head of Media, Entertainment and Sport Industry, World Economic Forum

Minos is the Head of the Media, Entertainment and Sport industry at the World Economic Forum. The industry has been revolutionised by the advent of the internet, and now new technological paradigm shifts have the potential to transform it further. He works with the foremost industry players to shape responsible industry transformation by anticipating future trends and informing the development of new business practices by fostering collaboration.

Minos has an extensive experience in the media and entertainment sector, and led the Global Coalition for Digital at the World Economic Forum. Before joining the Forum, Minos was at Amazon and at McKinsey & Co. He holds an MBA in International Business from the Instituto de Empresa, Madrid.

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欧州や北米を含む国々で、デジタルガバナンスに関する政策のアップデートが進目られています。 経済発展とオンラインの安全性向上には、デジタル管轄域を横断するマルチステークホルダーの連携が不可欠でしょう。 今こそ、異なる国々が直面する共通の課題解決に向け、マルチステークホルダーが連携する時です。

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