How to increase Europe’s competitiveness in the new global economy
A version of this article was originally published in Euronews.
Mirek Dušek is Managing Director at the World Economic Forum, responsible for global programming. He oversees the strategy and organization of all large-scale World Economic Forum events, including the Annual Meeting in Davos. Previously, he worked at the US Embassies in Baghdad and in Prague.
Mirek Dušek holds a MA in International Studies and a BA in Political Sciences and speaks Arabic fluently.
A version of this article was originally published in Euronews.
本稿は、アラブ首長国連邦の日刊新聞アルバヤン紙による、世界経済フォーラム取締役のミレク・デュセクのインタビューを編集・要約したものです。インタビューは、ドバイで開催されている「グローバル・フューチャー・カウンシル2023 年次総会」において執り 行われました。
During the Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils 2023 in Dubai, UAE daily newspaper Al-Bayan conducted an interview with Forum Managing Director Mirek Dušek.
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