Sommes-nous face à un tournant dans la lutte contre l'esclavage ?
Le vrai changement, arrivera lorsque les entreprises commenceront à se vendre activement comme des sociétés n’employant aucun esclave auprès de la prochaine génération.
Le vrai changement, arrivera lorsque les entreprises commenceront à se vendre activement comme des sociétés n’employant aucun esclave auprès de la prochaine génération.
Estamos presenciando un cambio crucial en la lucha mundial contra la esclavitud. Las grandes empresas en los Estados Unidos, Europa y Australia están asumiendo la responsabilidad.
The past few years have seen both global corporations and smaller players making serious efforts to eradicate slavery and forced labour from their supply chains - and it's working.
La esclavitud está prohibida en todos los países del mundo. Todos la aborrecen. Y, sin embargo, hoy hay más esclavos que cuando la esclavitud era legal.
L'engagement des grandes entreprises est une étape nécessaire pour écraser l'esclavage moderne.
It is hard to deny the moral imperative for businesses to take the lead, but fighting slavery also offers attractive economic returns.
Media organisations have a moral responsibility – now more than ever - to broaden their editorial approach to include news that somehow escapes the spotlight.
Three quarters of the world’s population cannot prove they own the land on which they live or work. This has a devastating effect on women, and this must change.
There is a growing sector where women are rising to the top and disrupting the traditional status quo - while also improving the state of the world.
How long do you think it will take for women around the world to achieve economic equality with men? The answer might surprise you: 80 years. And how much do you think it would contribute...