An expert answers your questions on depression for World Health Day 2017
From the root causes to the most recent treatment options.
Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine. Leading physician focusing on health innovation, precision medicine and digital technologies. Highly cited researcher in areas of brain and mental health. Member of corporate and non-profit boards.
From the root causes to the most recent treatment options.
How much do we understand about how our brain works? Which technologies leverage this new understanding? What will be their impact on our day-to-day lives? How can we ensure that the bene...
En un taller reciente de la OCDE, identificamos cinco posibles cambios sistémicos que podrían ayudar a acelerar los desarrollos en neurotecnología que satisfagan la presión de los desafío...
Future opportunities for cognitive enhancement and control through non-invasive brain stimulation have raised profound ethical, legal, and social questions. What is societally acceptable ...
This past Spring, AlphaGo — an artificial intelligence (AI) machine — beat the human world champion in a five-game match of Go, an ancient Chinese board game once considered so difficult ...
¿Cómo organiza un líder una oficina construida con el objetivo de maximizar el talento de su fuerza de trabajo? ¿Cómo prepara una compañía a sus empleados de modo que tengan mayores proba...
Dr Murali Doraiswamy, a physician at Duke University Health System and coauthor of The Alzheimer's Action Plan, responds to questions sent in from our Facebook audience.
The average knowledge economy worker spends 28% of his or her time just reading and answering e-mail.
Evaluating the lessons we can learn from other cultures when it comes to boosting health.
Could a virus or a bacterium give you Alzheimer’s disease? The idea may sound far-fetched, but the hypothesis that microbes may be the missing link in explaining Alzheimer’s is gaining tr...
La neurociencia nos ayuda a arrojar luz sobre las actitudes sexistas.
It is time for us to go past neurosexism and create a lifelong environment where both genders can flourish.
A lucrative award could be poised to reinvigorate research into the disease