This is how climate change could impact the global economy
The impact of climate change can be more severe than thought. It is said that rising temperatures could wipe up to 18% off global GDP by 2050, a report from the Swiss Re Institute warns.
The impact of climate change can be more severe than thought. It is said that rising temperatures could wipe up to 18% off global GDP by 2050, a report from the Swiss Re Institute warns.
Normally delivered by a famous figure, the commencement address offers graduates inspiration as they leave university and go into the professional world.
Lady Gaga, David Attenborough and Beyoncé are just some of the celebrities to have species named after them, which can help raise awareness of the need to protect biodiversity.
Research shows doing three minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity to compensate for every hour you’ve been sitting at a desk could help you live longer.
Working from home is expected to be a long-lasting trend that benefits employers and staff, but will hit spending in city centres, an NBER report shows.
Happiness and wellbeing classes could help counter the negative mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on school pupils and university students.
Many workers in emerging economies are unbanked because they can’t prove their existence in the supply chain. A US-based start-up wants to change this.
Businesses like Amazon and Airbnb are teaming up with the governments of Norway, the UK and the US in an attempt to stop deforestation. Here’s how.
Maldives Floating City is designed to float on top of the water in the lagoon, with the surrounding barrier islands acting as breakers from the waves.
The country is providing ‘bed and breakfast’ for bees in the form of insect hotels, roadside wildflower verges and more. A recent survey suggests it might be working.
UK researchers say we need a radical shake-up of the curriculum to ensure arts and sciences are no longer taught separately.
Tracking the development of children in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Viet Nam, the Young Lives report revealed key insights regarding the role of education and the consequences of childhood ...