行驶里程数一直是自动驾驶汽车(AV)的一项重要统计数据:行驶里程数越多,意味着可获得的学习数据越多。 如今自动驾驶汽车的开发者们对数据充满了无限渴望:驾驶次数越多,自动驾驶软件的驾驶能力就越强。
Nicola Croce is growth product manager at Deepen AI.
行驶里程数一直是自动驾驶汽车(AV)的一项重要统计数据:行驶里程数越多,意味着可获得的学习数据越多。 如今自动驾驶汽车的开发者们对数据充满了无限渴望:驾驶次数越多,自动驾驶软件的驾驶能力就越强。
The companies developing self-driving cars have started to make their datasets public - and thats' a huge step towards ensuring that this technology can be made safe.
Autonomous vehicles could have a transformational impact on society. But they never will unless the general public overcome their current fear of them
It's often said that AI revolution will only benefit the highly skilled workers. But there is a hidden army of labor labelling the data on which it relies