Why we can't ignore green hydrogen in the clean energy mix
There is growing interest in green hydrogen as a viable mass-scale emissions-free source – but it requires further technological breakthroughs and stronger infrastructure.
There is growing interest in green hydrogen as a viable mass-scale emissions-free source – but it requires further technological breakthroughs and stronger infrastructure.
Digitalization has transformed business models and software within value chains is ramping up with software-as-a-service and machine learning gaining pace.
Leveraging our brain’s capacity to reason away what no longer applies and open it up to exploring new ideas and concepts can lead to transformative breakthroughs.
While technology can drive economic and social change on an epic scale, we must also make sure no one is left behind by these leaps forward. Here's how
The automotive industry needs to be digitalised. It will require a complete culture shift and change-management strategies that realign the entire supply chain.
Realizing the energy transition poses some major challenges. Could a hybrid approach that leverages fossil fuel energy alongside renewables be the answer?