These are the 5 skills African employers are looking for
Jobseekers say opportunities are hard to come by, while employers claim candidates lack the required skills. To bridge this gap, here are five qualities Africa's employers are looking for...
BA (Hons) in Biochemistry and French, Grinnell College; dual Master’s degrees in Public Health, University of Sheffield and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, France. Trained as a biochemist and statistician. Background in data science, impact investing and public health. Collaborates across public, private and social sectors. Work experience spans three continents and involves major operational roles, including managing a team of 300 people on a $50 million social marketing programme in Nigeria. Founder, Young Business Agency, a youth employment accelerator designing tailored content to help youth bridge 21st century workforce skills gaps. Country Director, Clinton Health Access Initiative.