Por qué es importante la prospectiva estratégica corporativa
En un mundo cada vez más volátil e incierto, la prospectiva estratégica puede ayudar a sentar las bases de una toma de decisiones más ágil y una colaboración más eficaz.
En un mundo cada vez más volátil e incierto, la prospectiva estratégica puede ayudar a sentar las bases de una toma de decisiones más ágil y una colaboración más eficaz.
In an ever more volatile and uncertain world, corporate foresight can help lay the foundations for more responsive decision-making and more effective collaboration.
Two hundred and fifty Chief Strategy Officers from 20 industries recently shared the emerging inflexion points that pose challenges to the future of business
Este conjunto de enfoque puede ayudar a las personas y a las organizaciones a estar más preparadas para el futuro y a ser más innovadoras y ágiles.
Strategic intelligence and foresight can help organizations in all sectors be more future prepared, innovative and agile, with a more engaged workforce.
Smaller businesses are the backbone of many countries' economies and we need to ensure they can improve their future readiness to ensure their success.
Small and medium-sized enterprises have a big role to play in improving corporate sustainability - the World Economic Forum’s intelligence can help.
长期以来,世界经济论坛一直非常认同可持续价值创造目标对企业发展的重要战略意义。与一些大型公司展开合作,是开始推动这一议程的自然落点。先驱者联盟(The First Movers Coalition)则证明了中小企业在这方面的相关性。包括苹果、空中客车公司(Airbus)、马恒达集团(Mahindra Group)和霍尔希姆公司(Holcim)在内的全球大型公司最近承诺投资...
SMEs play a significant role in enabling and shaping the nature of innovation. We share the insights of over 300 CEOs and founders of forward-looking SMEs.
The scale of AI and our ability to collaborate as a global society are the two most critical factors determining our future, according to a survey of experts.
New technologies evolve. Societies redefine themselves. Power structures change. Disruption unhinges the status quo and undermines the assumptions we base our decisions on. For a governme...
We are witnessing a lack of trust in governance models around the world. This comes from the perception that our leaders are unable to solve challenges, resolve conflicts, deal with threa...