5 lessons leaders need to live by to succeed in a post-COVID world
To be successful in a post-pandemic world, business leaders should focus on being phygital, agile, anti-fragile, exponential and curious, write two experts.
Degree in Organizational Development, Bocconi University, Milan; Chartered Fellow, FCIPD, UK. Certified Transformational Coach, Georgetown University. Has worked in more than 70 countries. Formerly: with Citigroup, Milan, London and New York; with the International Finance Corporation, Washington DC; Director, Human Resources, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London; Chief Learning Officer, World Bank, Washington DC. Currently, Chief Human Resources Officer, World Economic Forum. Associate Professor, Hult-Ashridge (UK) and Bocconi University (Italy). Author: World Economic Forum Agenda Blog; Forbes Magazine; HBR Italia; Linkiesta magazine on themes related to career-personal development and organizational behaviour. Author of La Bussola del Successo (2016), a mix of coaching, self-improvement and business ethics. Interests: reading, travelling, Bruce Springsteen.
To be successful in a post-pandemic world, business leaders should focus on being phygital, agile, anti-fragile, exponential and curious, write two experts.
As we emerge from lockdown, we return to a different world than the one we left behind. But despite the challenging circumstances, it has also created important opportunities for social c...
Maximizing workforce productivity in a era of constant change means being aware of both employees' aspirations and emotional needs.
Workers are more vulnerable, learning never ends, and the future is female
In 1986, the US shuttle exploded due to a faulty rubber seal. What can we learn from the disaster about teamwork and those tiny, crucial jobs?
In the new reality, we’ll live to be 90 or 100 and we’ll have to keep on learning all our lives.
The connection between stress and productivity is well known and well documented. The first study on this link dates back to 1908, when the psychologists Robert Yerkes and John Dodson dem...
Does modern society still have heroes?
A la mayoría de nosotros nos gustaría ser una máquina de aprendizaje. Pero, ¿cómo hacer que esto realmente suceda? Estas son algunas sugerencias.
Do you love what you do, are you helping others, are you learning?
Just over 200 years, in November 1816, Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, a novel which was published in London two years later.
Paolo Gallo, Director de Recursos Humanos en el Foro Económico Mundial, desmonta algunos mitos sobre el éxito en el trabajo.
Paolo Gallo, Head of Human Resources at the World Economic Forum, dismantles some myths about success at work.
You will face choices that will force you to choose between sticking to your ethical values or stipulating a pact with the devil.
If a person with authority asked an ordinary individual to give an electric shock to another person, what would that individual do?