Pascual Berrone is professor of strategic management and holder of the Schneider Electric Chair of Sustainability and Business Strategy at IESE Business School. Also, Prof. Berrone is the academic director of the Executive MBA in Madrid. He is also vice-president of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. Prof. Berrone earned a B.Sc. in business administration from the Universidad Católica de Córdoba, holds a senior degree in management and international business from the FUNCER Business School, and completed his Ph.D. in business administration and quantitative methods degree at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is also an alumnus from IESE where he completed a PDG program. Before joining IESE Business School, Prof. Berrone held two visiting scholar appointments at Arizona State University and he was a visiting professor at Concordia University in Montreal, and Simon Fraser in Vancouver, Canada. More recently, he was a visiting professor at the Nangyang Business School in Singapore.
Prof. Berrone has extensive managerial experience from across Latin America, Europe, and the United States. His professional interests include ongoing programmatic work in three areas: corporate governance, social issues in management and family firms. Prof. Berrone’s academic work has been published in international journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, California Management Review, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Management Studies (all these journals included in the FT45 list), Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Small Business Management, Family Business Review, Corporate Governance: An International Review, and Management Research as well as in prestigious Spanish outlets such as Revista de Economía Financiera.
Prof. Berrone has been recognized on several occasions for his outstanding research. In 2015, Prof. Pascual Berrone received the IBM Faculty Award, which recognizes Berrone’s work in researching and teaching strategies for cities and urban development. In 2009, he won the “Best Doctoral Dissertation Award” granted by the Academy of Management. The award was sponsored by the Beard Center for Leadership in Ethics at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh. Also in 2009, he won the “Best Paper Award” in the Corporate Governance Track at the EURAM conference. The award is sponsored by the Center for Family and Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO). In 2008, he won the Academy of Management (ONE Division “Best Paper Proceedings Award”. More recently, his article “The Impact of Symbolic and Substantive Actions on Environmental Legitimacy” was named among the top three finalists for the “Best Paper Award” at the Iberoamerican Academy of Management Conference (2010). His work on environmental innovation was also the finalist for the best paper award at the UAM-Accenture Award (2011). More recently, he has received the “Best Scientific Contribution Award” granted by the Public University of Navarre for work carried out in 2009 and 2010 in the area of Human and Social, Legal and Economic Sciences. This recognition has been recently extended to his teaching activities as he received the Honorable Mention in the “4th. annual Dr. Alfred N. and Lynn Manos Page Prize for Sustainability Issues in Business Curricula” (2012).
Prof. Berrone is Associate Editor of research outlet Organization & Environment and is a member of several editorial boards. He is the founder of the “Strategic Madrid Group”, an initiative that gathers world-class scholars and practitioners who are interested in strategic issues. He is also the academic co-director of the research platform IESE Cities in Motion.
El progreso hacia los ODS de la ONU es demasiado lento, desde cualquier punto de vista. Convencer al sector privado de que se sume al esfuerzo por avanzar es fundamental. He aquí cómo hac...
Progress toward the UN's SDGs is too slow, by any measure. Convincing the private sector to come on board to pursue progress is key. Here's how to do that.
为确定2022年全球最智能、最可持续的城市,“IESE活力城市指数”(IESE Cities in Motion Index)对183个城市进行了评分比较;伦敦因其强大的人力资本、国际形象、城市规划和治理而名列榜首;欧洲拥有最多的智能城市,巴黎、柏林、阿姆斯特丹、奥斯陆和哥本哈根都在前十名中占据一席之地。
El Índice de Ciudades en Movimiento del IESE ha comparado 183 ciudades para determinar cuáles son las más inteligentes y sostenibles del mundo en 2022.
The IESE Cities in Motion Index compared 183 cities to determine the world’s smartest and most sustainable cities for 2022 - with London coming out on top.