The market for green bonds is growing exponentially, supporting sustainability projects and creating positive environmental impact.
La pandemia del COVID-19 ha profundizado la desigualdad económica en todo el mundo. Es necesario actuar urgentemente para apoyar a las personas en situación de pobreza y reducir la brecha...
The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened economic inequality across the globe. Urgent action is needed to support people in poverty and narrow the wealth gap.
Climate-friendly mass timber is competing with concrete and steel. It could be key to cutting carbon emissions from buildings.
開発途上国向けの新型コロナワクチンの供給は増加していますが、2022年半ばまでに世界のすべての国で人口の70%以上にワクチンを接種するという国際的な取り組みは、その接種に必要な数十億本の注射器を確保することができなければ、実現しない可能性があります。 ワクチンと注射器を必要な国に届ける活動を主導しているユニセフは、低中所得国で使用するための特殊な注射器が、最大で22億本...
People are quitting their jobs at a record pace in what’s been called the Great Resignation. They want flexible working and more focus on mental health.
A shortage of 2.2 billion syringes could hamper the global COVID-19 vaccination push. Africa faces the greatest challenge, with just 6% of people fully vaccinated.
Glaciers support life in fragile ecosystems and provide vital freshwater. Their disappearance puts millions of people around the world under threat, scientist Jemma Wadham says.
A tweetstorm about congestion at LA ports highlighted the supply chain crisis. Governments are now stepping up efforts to remove the bottlenecks.
The market for catastrophe bonds could grow to $50 billion in four years. Insurers use the bonds to protect themselves against losses from natural disasters.
Fewer consumers are practicing green behaviour during the pandemic, an Ipsos survey shows. This suggests climate concerns are receding amid COVID-19 turmoil.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and construction is vital to limiting global warming. Building more green infrastructure in cities is key.
An estimated 150 million people are homeless globally, though the real number is probably higher. This shows the pressing need to support people who don't have homes.
Service industries such as hospitality and entertainment lead new hiring in Europe. This has induced economic growth across Europe similar to pre-pandemic.