The Future of Capitalism by Paul Collier - an extract
Read an extract about the failures of capitalism, and Paul Collier's vision on how we can repair it.
1998-2003, Director, Research Dev. Dept, World Bank. Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Gov't; Professorial Fellow, St Antony's College; Co-Director, Centre for the Study of African Economies, Oxford. Professeur Invité, Sciences Po & Paris 1. Adviser: Strategy & Policy Dept, IMF; Africa Region, World Bank; DfID. Has written for NY Times, Financial Times, WSJ, and Washington Post. Author: The Bottom Billion (2007); Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places (2009); The Plundered Planet: How to Reconcile Prosperity with Nature (2010); Exodus: How migration is changing our world (2013). Recipient: Knighthood, for services to promoting research and policy change in Africa (2014); CBE (2008); Lionel Gelber, Arthur Ross and Corine prize (2008); Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book prize (2009).