These charts show the major impact of the Great Recession on jobs
The OECD's Employment Outlook 2016 looks at the labour market recovery since the Great Recession.
Paul Swaim is Senior Economist in the Employment Analysis and Policy Division in the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs at the OECD. He joined the OECD in 1995 and in that position, Paul has written extensively for the OECD Employment Outlook, addressing such topics as job training, working time, employment protection legislation, wage-setting institutions, poverty dynamics, labour market adjustment to globalisation, the labour market dimension of green growth and the labour market impact of the global financial crises. He has also served as editor of that publication for a number of years. Before joining the OECD, Paul published widely in scholarly journals, including Labor Economics, The Journal of Human Resources, The Review of Economics and Statistics and Industrial and Labor Relations Review. During this period, he taught economics at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and held research positions in the Economic Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor and the Office for Income Security Policy of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Paul has a Ph.D. in economics from MIT and is of American citizenship.