Cómo los directores de compras están liderando la transición hacia la sostenibilidad
Las compras verdes se han vuelto fundamentales para lograr los objetivos climáticos. Esto se concluyó en un evento co-organizado por el Foro Económico Mundial.
Pedro is a Member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum leading the work on industry decarbonization. Before holding this position, Pedro led the Forum’s work Mobility leading the transport sector’s agenda on sustainability, business resilience and inclusiveness. Prior, he was Head of the Partnership Against Corruption Initiative team (steering one of the longest-standing collective action initiatives in this field). He was also part of the leadership of the Energy Team at the Forum where he oversaw the production of the Energy Transition Index and Oil and Gas industry transformation. Prior to joining the Forum, Pedro served at the Mexican Ministry of Energy as Director for Sectoral Studies where he contributed energy reform & transition policies and at Pemex. In Academia, he was Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies working on the political economy of energy in Latin America and Chevening Fellow at the University of Edinburgh’s Business School where his focus was low-carbon investment and finance. He was also a senior consultant for Deloitte’s energy practice and was a Partner at the Swiss-based Shipbroking Firm 1.8.9 Shipping GmbH. Pedro holds a Master’s Degree from St Antony´s College at the University of Oxford.
Las compras verdes se han vuelto fundamentales para lograr los objetivos climáticos. Esto se concluyó en un evento co-organizado por el Foro Económico Mundial.
Sustainable procurement has become central to achieving climate goals. This issue was discussed at a recent event co-hosted by the World Economic Forum.
Cada vez hay más conciencia política y apoyo a iniciativas para mejorar los suelos del mundo – pero los agricultores también necesitan apoyo tecnológico y financiero.
There is growing political awareness and support for measures to enhance the world's soils – but farmers also need technological and financial support
Priorizar la naturaleza y el clima puede ser compatible con el crecimiento económico y la creación de valor, si las organizaciones utilizan estrategias coordinadas y positivas para la nat...
Prioritizing nature and climate can be compatible with economic growth and value creation if organizations use coordinated nature-positive strategies.
La Cumbre del Clima de la ONU, COP28, se celebra este mes en un momento crítico. Esto es lo que hay que saber sobre la reunión y por qué es tan importante.
The COP28 climate summit convenes this month at a critical moment. Here's what to understand about the UN Climate Summit and why it's so important.
Net zero by 2050 remains the ultimate goal – but we must harness transition technologies in the meantime to stand a chance of getting there
The world has made important strides toward energy transition in the past decade, but 81% of the world's energy is still based on fossil fuels, according to the Energy Transition Index 2021.