Peter Brown joined PwC UK as a partner in September 2010 having previously held senior roles at large professional services organisations. He has over 25 years’ experience as an Workforce and HR transformation expert, working with large multinational organisations to help them tackle their people challenges.
He was named in the top 25 Global Human Capital consultants in 2023 and was also listed in the top 50 Kindness in Leadership list 2023.
Prior to working in professional services, Brown was in the Royal Air Force and continues to support them as a Trustee of the Royal Air Force Charitable Trust with a focus on inspiring STEM skills within young people who also have an interest in aviation. He was appointed MBE for his services to the Royal Air Force.
Una encuesta mundial de PwC indica que los jóvenes están listos y dispuestos a adoptar la IA; una contratación basada en habilidades puede ayudarles a tener éxito.
PwC’s 2024 Global Workforce Hopes and Fears survey reveals young workers are eager to embrace AI. Skills-first hiring can help them.
La Generación Z es en general optimista sobre el futuro del trabajo, pero existe una gran brecha entre sus miembros que ya tienen conocimientos especializados y los que no.
Gen Z is broadly optimistic about the future of work, there is a big divide between those in Gen Z who already have specialist skills and those who do not.
The workplace is undergoing rapid transformation, and employees need specialist skills and support to adapt. How can businesses address the growing skills gap?