Cinco razones para no renunciar al comercio global
El Consejo Mundial Futuro sobre el Comercio Internacional y la Inversión del Foro Mundial Económico ha emitido un llamado a la acción para que los líderes del G20 mantengan y mejoren la l...
Peter is member of the Board of Trustees of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Research Foundation; non-resident senior fellow of the Brussels-based European Centre for International Political Economy; and Associated Researcher at the German Development Institute (DIE). He is also a Director of Tutwa Consulting Group. He is a recipient of an honorary Doctorate degree from the Friederich Schiller University in Jena, Germany.
Previously, Peter worked in South Africa’s national Department of Trade and Industry in bilateral economic relations (East Asia and Mercosur), and as head of the economic analysis and research unit in the dti’s International Trade and Economic Development Division. Prior to that he was an academic teaching economic history and political economy, and headed the Department of Economics and Economic History at the then University of Durban-Westville (now University of KwaZulu-Natal).
El Consejo Mundial Futuro sobre el Comercio Internacional y la Inversión del Foro Mundial Económico ha emitido un llamado a la acción para que los líderes del G20 mantengan y mejoren la l...
Trade expanded by more than 7% a year between 1990-2000, contributing to economic activity and helping to lift around a billion people out of poverty.