Protect fish stocks to build climate resilience along African coasts
The fishing communities dotted along Africa’s often inhospitable coastline have overcome many challenges before. But they now face some of their most difficult challenges ever.
Lawyer. With World Bank: Manager, programmes in Africa and Latin America; 1988-91, Director, Regional Mission for Eastern Africa. Provided legal & technical assistance to governments of Botswana & Namibia to strengthen the legal framework for mining investments. 1993, Founder, Transparency International. 1993-2005, Chairman of the Board, now Chairman, Advisory Council, Transparency International. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative: 2005, Chairman, International Advisory Group; 2006-11, Chairman; currently, Special Representative. Since 2007, Member, Africa Progress Panel. Former Faculty Member: University of Frankfurt Main; John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard; John Hopkins SAIS; University of Washington. Since 2002, Honorary Professor of Political Science, Freie Universität, Berlin. Honorary Doctorate, Open University.