Phil Baty is an authority on international higher education policy and university performance and he leads on government partnerships and global affairs at Times Higher Education, the trusted data, insights and consultancy partner to universities, corporates and governments worldwide. With over 25 years in the sector, Phil: developed the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings and its derivative analyses (as rankings editor for over a decade between 2008 and 2019); he created the THE World Academic Summit and oversaw its expansion into the world’s preeminent series of university leadership and policy events; and he led the team that developed and launched the Global Sustainable Development Congress and the sector-leading “Digital Universities” international events series. Phil is also an award-winning journalist, a sought-after keynote speaker, media commentator and consultant.
The new Times Higher Education Interdisciplinary Science Ranking recognizes top universities carrying out their scientific research in pioneering new ways.
El Ranking Mundial de Universidades solía estar dominado por el Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, pero ahora es más internacional y el Sur Global desempeña un papel más importante.
The World University Rankings used to be dominated by the UK and the US, but now they are more international, with the Global South playing a bigger role.
India has become the world’s number one best-represented nation in the 2024 edition of the Times Higher Education global Impact Rankings. What's changed?
泰晤士高等教育(THE)2024年世界大学排名已公布。在该榜单中,中国保持总体领先地位——拥有七所世界排名前 100 的大学。泰晤士高等教育亚洲大学排名显示了东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)大学的强劲增长。
Una clasificación de Times Higher Education evalúa y clasifica las universidades en función de su impacto y contribución a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la ONU.
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings assess and rank universities based on their contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The Times Higher Education's World University Rankings 2024 have been announced. China maintains its hold but there is a strong surge for ASEAN universities.
A medida que se intensifican los retos globales, universidades de todos los países deben aunar fuerzas para afrontarlos; estas son las más conectadas, según Times Higher Education.
As global challenges intensify, universities must join forces across nations to tackle them; Times Higher Education names those most internationally connected
Scientific research that crosses traditional academic disciplines is essential for the next big science breakthroughs. How can we embrace its potential?