Pim Valdre

Head, Climate Ambition Initiative, World Economic Forum

Pim Valdre leads the World Economic Forum´s Climate Ambition agenda including high level business and climate initiatives such as the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, the Forum´s climate governance agenda and international milestone engagement around COPs, UNGA. She started her career at the World Economic Forum in 2018 and prior to that has worked globally as an expert and a diplomat. She supported policy engagement at the United Nations in New York working on sustainable development, climate and security challenges in the Executive Office of the UN Secretary General and in the Office of the President of the UN General Assembly. She also served as Special Adviser in the UN Department of the Foreign Ministry of Sweden during Sweden´s membership in the UN Security Council.
She has an MA and BA in political science from Uppsala University and completed an exchange year at the Institute d’Etudes de Science-Politiques in Paris. She has worked and studied in Sweden, Australia, France, UK, US, Jordan, Switzerland.

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10 Dec 2024