Africa's digital revolution: this is what you need to know
A new study looks at how prepared six African countries - Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa - are for the digital revolution.
Ravi Shankar Chaturvedi is Research Director at Digital Planet and a Doctoral Research Fellow for Innovation and Change at the Institute for Business in the Global Context, The Fletcher School at Tufts University.
A new study looks at how prepared six African countries - Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and South Africa - are for the digital revolution.
为补充世界银行的《营商环境报告》,两位专家根据数字营商便利度对42个国家和地区进行了排名。美国位居榜首,截至2016年的11年间,其数字经济的增速是整体经济的3.7倍。 有人将世界银行的营商环境年度报告称为各国政府的“世界杯”或“奥运会”,使各国政府争相提高本国的商业吸引力。该排名通过审查监管环境来衡量在一个国家开展商业的难易程度,具有很大影响力:它激发190个经济...
Two business experts have ranked 42 countries by how easy it is for the most significant digital platforms to operate and thrive.
A new study explores digital trust in 42 countries.
Smart societies are the future but we must establish standards and ideals to aim for.