How AI can close the care gap for working families
By involving working parents in its development, this AI app is helping them access paid family leave. More AI tools should tackle inequality like this.
By involving working parents in its development, this AI app is helping them access paid family leave. More AI tools should tackle inequality like this.
Las normas sociales y la falta de permisos parentales impiden que los hombres se dediquen más a los cuidados en el hogar. Las empresas pueden crear una cultura más igualitaria.
Social norms and lack of parental leave are key barriers to men taking up care work at home. Here's how business can create a more gender equal culture.
La atención a la infancia es más que un beneficio para nuestros resultados económicos inmediatos; es una inversión en nuestro futuro común.
American families report spending upwards of $6,000 per month on childcare — and globally, that challenge is just the tip of the iceberg. Changing that status quo is a major opportunity.