4 areas of focus in energy at Davos 2025
Energy was a hot topic at this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Here are some key takeaways.
Degree in Business and Economics, University of Turin. Formerly with: Unifarma, Finconsumo, Telecom Italia. 1995-2009, with BP International: 1995-97, Marketing Manager Lubricants, France; 1997-99, Sales Manager LPG, Poland; 1999-2000, Global Supply Manager, UK; 2000-03, Business Manager, Marine, France, Benelux and North Africa; 2003-04, Chief of Staff to Group Vice-President, Business to Business and New Markets; 2004-06, General Manager, Business Development, India; 2006-09, Director, Emerging Consumers Markets, BP Alternative Energy, UK. Since August 2009, current position. Recipient of awards.
Energy was a hot topic at this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Here are some key takeaways.
From AI’s energy use to the rising demand for critical minerals, here are some of our must-read energy stories from 2024.
To meet net zero emissions by 2050 across eight hard-to-abate sectors, a cumulative additional investment of nearly $30 trillion is required. This is how to achieve it.
IRENA explica por qué la COP es un gran momento para las energías renovables; un hito para la energía nuclear; enorme centro de energía limpia planeado en Australia.
Top energy news: IRENA on why COP is a huge moment for renewables; nuclear start-up claims fusion milestone; huge clean energy hub planned for Australia.
Top energy news: The US election result's impact on energy; Build business case for grid upgrade in Europe, says report; Blackouts amid drought in South America.
Principales noticias sobre energía: Google invierte en energía nuclear modular; La AIE dice que se acerca una nueva "era de la electricidad"; China está liderando el despliegue de energía...
Top energy news: Google invests in small modular nuclear power; IEA says new 'age of electricity' is coming; China is leading the clean energy roll-out.
Top energy news: World's biggest banks pledge nuclear power support; report calls for Global South clean energy investment; key climate goal "in reach".
Top energy news: Negative energy price record in Europe; EIB to ‘boost investment’ in Southern Africa; Oman launches wind projects to diversify energy mix.
La generación mundial de energías limpias alcanza el 40%; el Reino Unido a punto de cerrar su última central de carbón; y la IA 'podría perjudicar los precios del petróleo en la próxima d...
Top energy news: Global renewables generation hits 40%; Britain’s last coal-fired power plant to close; AI “could hurt oil prices in next decade”.
Top energy stories: Britain greenlights electricity ‘superhighway’; $1bn green hydrogen auction in Netherlands; Power demand in Texas hits record high.
Top energy stories: Global electricity demand set to 'rise strongly', IEA says; while wind and solar overtake fossil fuels in EU for the first time.
Energy on the agenda at AMNC 'Summer Davos'; The countries making progress on energy transition; Global fossil fuel consumption hit record high in 2023.