Estas son las 10 economías más competitivas del mundo en 2019
Desde 1979, el Foro Económico Mundial ha estado midiendo el crecimiento económico a largo plazo y la productividad en su Informe Global de Competitividad.
Economist by training
Desde 1979, el Foro Económico Mundial ha estado midiendo el crecimiento económico a largo plazo y la productividad en su Informe Global de Competitividad.
Check out the most competitive economies in the world. Singapore tops the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index.
With its young and vibrant population, West Africa is set to flourish. But it needs to tackle these issues first.
The USA may be able to look forward to the Fourth Industrial Revolution with confidence but innovative strength will not be enough to secure competitiveness on its own.
Without the tail winds of sustained global growth and high commodity prices, African economies need to increase their competitiveness if they are to offer more opportunities to their peo...