Technological advancements and human development: A tale of two worlds
Technological progress is reshaping industries and daily life, but its benefits are unevenly distributed, exemplified by the global digital divide.
Technological progress is reshaping industries and daily life, but its benefits are unevenly distributed, exemplified by the global digital divide.
El progreso tecnológico está cambiando las industrias y la vida cotidiana, pero sus beneficios están distribuidos de manera desigual. Así lo ejemplifica la brecha digital.
Innovation and collaboration between the public and private sectors are all vital to creating sea change and moving towards better water security.
Los cambios climáticos en el ciclo del agua amenazan la seguridad hídrica mundial. Debemos encontrar soluciones para restablecer la calidad del agua y aumentar la resiliencia del agua dulce.
Climate changes to the water cycle are threatening global water security. We must find solutions to restore water quality and build freshwater resilience.
A government campaign has successfully tackled the country's toilet problem 'before the flush' – now the focus is on better and more adaptable sewage infrastructure