There is a way to invest profitably – and help save the world
The 1% SDG Club advocates for just 1% of global private sector capital to be put towards investments that will directly promote the UN's SDGs.
1981, degree in International and Developmental Economics, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University; 1985, MBA, Harvard Business School; Harry S Truman Congressional Scholar. Over 24 years' investment banking, emerging market management and private equity experience. Formerly: mergers and acquisitions and corporate and tax-exempt finance, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch; Director, AIG African Infrastructure Fund; 1990s, founded and managed Peregrine Bangladesh and Union Capital Bangladesh; Chief Executive Officer, Kingdom Zephyr Africa Management Company, Zephyr Management African Investment Fund, Pan-African Investment Partners and Pan Commonwealth Africa Partners funds; with colleagues, managed US$ 120 million ZMAIF fund, sponsored by US Overseas Development Corporation; Chief Executive Officer, US$ 122.5 million PAIP, PCAP funds.