3 ways to unlock the world-changing power of start-ups
Technology pioneers don't just need a genius idea – they need to develop in an ecosystem that nurtures them with all the elements needed to grow.
Saemoon is currently the Lead of Innovators at the World Economic Forum. He leads the community which recognizes innovative start-ups from around the world that are involved in the design, development and deployment of new technologies. He has previously worked in LG Electronics in the engineering division and product strategy division for display products. Prior, he has done a number of research internships at the Bell Laboratories and Stanford University. He holds Master of Science from Columbia University and currently a Global Leadership Fellow at the Forum.
Technology pioneers don't just need a genius idea – they need to develop in an ecosystem that nurtures them with all the elements needed to grow.
This year’s Technology Pioneers includes leaders in everything from neuroscience to cleantech.
Las start-ups de hoy en día tienen muchas opciones. Aquí hay una mirada a 5 puntos de arranque globales emergentes - y los factores que los hacen tan atractivos para los empresarios.
Start-ups these days are spoiled for choice. Here's a look at 5 emerging global start-up hotspots - and the factors that make them so attractive to entrepreneurs.
Pedimos a nuestro grupo de Pioneros de la Tecnología de 2020 su opinión sobre cómo la tecnología cambiará el mundo en los próximos cinco años. Aquí están sus predicciones.
We asked our 2020 intake of Technology Pioneers for their views on how technology will change the world in the next five years. Here are their predictions.
Este año Pioneros de la Tecnología incluye líderes en todo, desde la carne alternativa a las economías circulares.
This year’s Technology Pioneers includes leaders in everything from alternative meat to circular economies.
Universities can improve collaboration by producing a transparent framework and roadmap for developing industry partnerships. Here's how.
What makes London, Paris, Singapore, Munich and Tel Aviv so attractive to entrepreneurs?