Econophysics: Or why, when it comes to economics, we all behave like particles
A new study applies theories of collective particle motions to global trade data.
Yohei Sakamoto is a Ph.D. candidate in Theoretical Physics at the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, where he received his M.S. in Theoretical Physics in 2013. He has worked as a research assistant and teaching assistant at the university.His research interests focus on econophysics and theoretical particle physics from the phenomenological aspect. He has published in academic journals including Journal of Complex Networks and European Physical Journal. He has made several presentations including at the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS’14) in Lucca, Italy. He won the Best Poster Award by the PhD School on "Complexity Science, Patras, Greece" (July 2015) for his work "Systemic Risk Propagation in Bank-Asset Network: New perspective on Japanese Banking Crisis in the 1990s".