We can't abandon global cooperation, but it needs an update
Abandoning cooperative policies could make us repeat the mistakes of the past.
Sean Hagan is General Counsel and Director of the IMF’s Legal Department. He was previously in private practice in New York and Tokyo. He advises the IMF’s management, Executive Board, and membership on all legal aspects of IMF operations, including its regulatory, advisory, and lending functions. He has published extensively on both the law of the IMF and a broad range of legal issues relating to the prevention and resolution of financial crisis, with a particular emphasis on insolvency and the restructuring of debt.
Abandoning cooperative policies could make us repeat the mistakes of the past.
En los últimos 40 años, el sobreendeudamiento soberano ha sido una causa fundamental de muchas de las crisis de balanza de pagos experimentadas por nuestros países miembros.
Corruption is a key topic at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2017. Watch the session on 'Ending Corruption' here.