2023年是有记录以来最热的年份,全年平均气温比工业化前水平高出1.45 ± 0.12 °C。我们需要数万亿美元的融资来减缓并逆转气候变化和排放。中国在全球经济中扮演着重要角色,并且已经开始采取各种创新型融资机制来资助气候转型工作。
2023年是有记录以来最热的年份,全年平均气温比工业化前水平高出1.45 ± 0.12 °C。我们需要数万亿美元的融资来减缓并逆转气候变化和排放。中国在全球经济中扮演着重要角色,并且已经开始采取各种创新型融资机制来资助气候转型工作。
China, nación vital en el combate al cambio climático, está poniendo en marcha su sistema de financiación verde. Así es como funciona.
China — so critical to the fight against climate change — is bringing its financing system to bear against climate change. Here's what that looks like.
China invests in green finance but what about the excluded emission-intensive sectors? That's where transition finance can help decarbonization in China.
China produces and exports millions of mobile phones but only a small fraction of used phones are recycled. Can financial innovation help scale a circular economy?
A new report highlights the pivotal roles of finance, low-carbon technology and policy in the green investment of Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure.
By 2030 the population of Belt and Road countries will be 5.2 billion. Green investment will be crucial in mitigating climate change and enabling recovery.
L'émergence de la Chine en tant que puissance économique et politique au cours de la dernière décennie a fait des vagues dans les domaines de la géoéconomie et de la géopolitique.
With trillions of dollars projected for investment in the Belt and Road Initiative - how we can make this an opportunity for green transformation in the region?