Qu'avons-nous appris de la COP25 ?
La COP25 était l'occasion de faire de sérieux progrès et de définir des jalons ambitieux à atteindre rapidement.
PhD, National Physical Laboratory, in the field of materials chemistry. Formerly with the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow to work on surface and interface studies. At École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, developed nanoporous films for metal-free electro-catalysis and new redox shuttle. 2012-17, Programme Director, Abengoa Research, a research division of multinational energy based conglomerate Abengoa. Was leader for many disruptive technologies with high forecast production growth in the field of energy generation and storage. Currently, Ikerbasque Professor (tenured full professor). Member, Young Academy of Europe. Sits on the board of scientific journals. Author. Scientific publications reflect diverse field of interest in the domain of physical chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science with a research mission to develop advanced materials for energy application. Has spoken at many scientific or policy based conferences; inventor of patents. Advocate of renewable energy and passionately works on radically innovation technologies to address societal challenges. Recipient of awards and a fellowship; recipient, European research council consolidator grant (2016).
La COP25 était l'occasion de faire de sérieux progrès et de définir des jalons ambitieux à atteindre rapidement.
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