Lack of opportunity isn't the problem - inequality is
New research suggests that inequality of opportunity is playing a key role in the relationship between income inequality and economic growth.
Shekhar Aiyar is the IMF's Mission Chief for Germany. Previously he headed the Euro Area division. He has worked on a broad range of countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. His research interests include international macroeconomics, bank regulation, economic growth, and the role of luck in international cricket. He holds a PhD from Brown University.
New research suggests that inequality of opportunity is playing a key role in the relationship between income inequality and economic growth.
According to a new IMF staff paper, euro area countries have had more frequent and severe recessions than other advanced economies over the past 20 years.
Los estudios del FMI examinan el envejecimiento de los trabajadores de la zona euro, y el posible impacto en la productividad.
IMF research examines the euro area's ageing workforce, and the potential impact on productivity.
Why it will be crucial to foster refugees’ economic integration.