Europa debe superar estos 3 desafíos para firmar el Acuerdo Verde Europeo
El ambicioso plan de la UE de llegar a un nivel de cero carbono para 2050 requerirá niveles de inversión y colaboración sin precedentes, pero COVID-19 tiene otras ideas.
Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024.
El ambicioso plan de la UE de llegar a un nivel de cero carbono para 2050 requerirá niveles de inversión y colaboración sin precedentes, pero COVID-19 tiene otras ideas.
The EU's ambitious plan to become zero-carbon by 2050 will require unprecedented levels of investment and collaboration - but COVID-19 has other ideas.
UK body proposes splitting the working week into two 3-day shifts in order to make workplaces safer and to enable more people to return to work.
As many cities enjoy cleaner air during lockdowns, new research shows that long-term exposure to air pollution is linked to higher numbers of COVID-19 fatalities.
After the US, the three countries hardest-hit by COVID-19 have begun to lift their lockdowns, or have announced plans to do so.
The BBC is launching a new schedule of daily online classes for the UK's locked-down schoolchildren with some lessons delivered by famous names.
Deux marins vous expliquent comment gérer votre équipage et éviter la fièvre de cabine lorsque vous êtes confiné par le coronavirus.
While some countries are still working to control the spread of COVID-19, several European nations are now taking cautious steps back towards normality.
Dos marineros experimentados explican cómo manejar su tripulación y evitar la fiebre de cabina mientras está confinado por el coronavirus.
Two experienced mariners explain how to manage your crew and avoid cabin fever while you're confined by the coronavirus.
One in four doctors in the UK is either ill or self-isolating - and the picture is similarly grim in other countries.
The coronavirus outbreak has led to a huge increase in the numbers of people working from home - and that means meetings conducted via webcam. Here's how to do it right.
This year's Nobel prize for economics has been shared by William Nordhaus and Paul Romer. Here's why they won, and why their work matters to all of us.
Experts say it could be weeks or even months before the lava stops flowing, while lava insurance is either unavailable or prohibitively expensive.