What are heat pumps and why are they gaining in popularity?
Heat pumps are seen as an answer to soaring energy bills and a tool in the fight against climate change. But how do they work and how green are they?
Recoded to Forum Agenda on 29/05/2024.
Heat pumps are seen as an answer to soaring energy bills and a tool in the fight against climate change. But how do they work and how green are they?
People at higher genetic risk of dementia can reduce their chances of developing the neurological condition if they follow eight habits for healthy living.
Los gobiernos de todo el mundo aumentaron sus préstamos durante la pandemia. Pero, ¿a quién o a qué le piden prestado? Aquí se explica cómo funciona la deuda pública.
Governments around the world increased borrowing during the pandemic. But who or what are they borrowing from? Here’s an explainer on how government debt works.
Bosses and their employees disagree about how productive working from home is. A new Microsoft survey reveals 5 key workplace trends.
Smartphones which can connect by satellite are here, ending ‘dead zones’ for some users. The technology could also help close the digital divide.
Employers in the US are cutting back on maternity and paternity leave, despite evidence it can support gender equality, mental health and the economy.
The United Nations’ COP15 meeting in December will aim to stop the destruction of the natural world’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Can it be done?
Las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de las empresas y organizaciones se dividen en Alcance 1, Alcance 2 y Alcance 3. De ellas, el alcance 3 es el más difícil de medir y abordar.
Greenhouse gas emissions for businesses and organizations are split into Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions. There is also now a voluntary Scope 4.
Germany has activated the second level of its three-stage emergency gas plan. The third stage could see energy supplies to industry limited, Reuters reports.
Farmers in the Sahel region of Africa are growing four crops with the potential to transform lives and restore nature, according to a study.
Millones de personas recurren a los videojuegos durante los confinamientos, y se espera que el crecimiento del mercado cree una industria mundial valorada en 321 000 millones de dólares p...
False autumn, where trees go into survival mode and shed their leaves early, shows how climate change is damaging nature, say wildlife experts.