The ozone layer is on the path to recovery: Here's how the world made it happen
The ozone layer protects life on Earth from the sun’s harmful rays, and scientists say the hole in the ozone layer is shrinking and could be fully repaired by 2066.
The ozone layer protects life on Earth from the sun’s harmful rays, and scientists say the hole in the ozone layer is shrinking and could be fully repaired by 2066.
Desde la deuda de los países a la inteligencia artificial, el fundador de Bridgewater Associates discute cinco tendencias clave en una entrevista con el Foro Económico Mundial.
The US Federal Trade Commission is drafting new laws that would criminalize the use of artificial intelligence to produce and share harmful deepfake content.
Trials of universal basic income schemes are being run in England and Wales to assess the impact on the lives of those receiving unconditional payments.
人類初期の文字体系が、アマチュアの考古学者によって解読されました。 ヨーロッパにある氷河期時代の洞窟壁画に見られる図形が、太陰暦であったことを発見したのです。 市民科学者は、さまざまな研究プロジェクトに多大な支援を提供しています。
AI, machine learning and big-data models are here to stay and will transform our future. Haptik CEO Aakrit Vaish explains why they are more opportunity than threat.
Un año después de la invasión rusa de Ucrania, persiste la crisis humanitaria, mientras el aumento de los costes de la energía y los alimentos amenaza los medios de subsistencia de millon...
The Coronavirus Resource Center developed by Johns Hopkins University is being wound down. It was a vital global resource during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a humanitarian crisis persists, while soaring energy and food costs threaten the livelihoods of millions of people.
気候変動への適応が喫緊の課題となる中、その推進のカギを握る存在として新しいテクノロジーが注目を集めています。 例えば、山火事を検知して周辺地域に早期に警告するシステムには、AIが利用されています。 洪水に関する詳細な警報情報を提供するグーグルのサービスには、人工衛星と機械学習が使われています。
Citizen scientists have made discoveries including decoding a lunar calendar hidden in ancient cave paintings, and tracking down a satellite lost in space.
Human activity is destroying biodiversity faster than ever before. 5 key transformations can save the natural world and boost GDP by trillions of dollars.
Tras el impacto sin precedentes de COVID-19, las principales organizaciones están trabajando para que el mundo esté mejor capacitado a lidiar con las crisis sanitarias.
Advanced digital technology helps us come to terms with the effects of climate change, protecting people and property from extreme weather-related events.
After the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, leading organizations are working to ensure the world is better prepared for the next pandemic.