La pollution à l’ozone menace aussi nos assiettes
Le riz, l’un des aliments de base le plus répandu en Asie, est directement affecté par la pollution à l’ozone.
Sofie has worked as a research associate in the Gender, Environment and Development team at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Asia Centre since 2017, integrating gender and social equality across a broad range of issues such as agricultural development, water management, air pollution and migration/displacement. Prior to joining SEI, she worked and conducted research in Kenya, Ghana, Vietnam, India and Nicaragua primarily on gender and youth issues within natural resource management. She hold's a Master’s degree in International Development and Management from Lund University, Sweden in addition to a Master's course in Sustainable Land Use and Resource Management at Copenhagen and Nairobi University, and a Bachelor’s degree in International Development and Geography from Roskilde University, Denmark.