Trade, climate and finance: Breaking the silos to drive ambitious, inclusive action
Business as usual in the global trading system will not help meet the Paris Agreement goals – transport, investment, trade and finance need to transform.
Lawyer, born in Guayaquil, with experience in the formulation, management
and execution of projects in foreign trade, exports and investments, both in
the public and private sectors with a firm vision in favor of openness,
sustainability and responsible production.
Throughout her professional career, she served as director of the Ecuadorian
Federation of Exporters (FEDEXPOR) at its headquarters in Guayaquil. She
was also director of the OAS Program in the National Customs Service of
Ecuador (SENAE) and of the Association of Ecuadorian Fruit and Vegetable
She was president of the Foreign Trade, Customs and Investment Policy
Commission of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) - Ecuador and
she taught law and commerce at universities in Quito and Guayaquil. She is a
columnist for El Universo newspaper and a member of Global Americans; an
organization specialized in the promotion of democracy, human rights, social
inclusion, development and foreign policy in America