¿Qué viene para las normas de sostenibilidad corporativa en la UE?
La UE busca reducir la burocracia regulatoria relacionada con las normas de sostenibilidad, mientras Bruselas persiste en sus esfuerzos por impulsar la competitividad de la región.
La UE busca reducir la burocracia regulatoria relacionada con las normas de sostenibilidad, mientras Bruselas persiste en sus esfuerzos por impulsar la competitividad de la región.
The United States has vowed to increase oil and gas production. Yet a shift to renewable energy and other market forces are also influencing the sector.
European lawmakers are taking aim at regulatory red-tape related to corporate sustainability rules as Brussels continues its efforts to boost the region’s competitiveness.
Trump respondió a preguntas sobre crecimiento económico y regulación de cuatro de los principales CEO del mundo.
Los líderes se reunieron en Davos durante una semana de debates bajo el tema "Colaboración para la era inteligente". Aquí están las conclusiones y citas clave de la semana.
The World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2025 in Davos provided a chance to survey the state of global conflict, including hot spots that haven’t commanded international headlines.
Leaders came together in Davos for a week of discussions under the theme "Collaboration for the Intelligent Age". Here are the key takeaways and quotes from the week.
Trump answered questions about economic growth and regulation from four top global chief executives.
Donald Trump asumió como presidente de Estados Unidos. En Davos, líderes de medios y comentaristas políticos se reunieron para debatir qué esperar del "Trump 2.0".
ASEAN has emerged as a major economic and political bloc. At Davos 2025, ASEAN Secretary General Kao Kim Hourn detailed opportunities and challenges for the region.
Scores of world leaders are gathering in Davos, Switzerland, for the 2025 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Here's what they are saying.
Donald Trump was sworn in as US president. In Davos, media leaders and political commentator gathered to discuss what to expect from 'Trump 2.0'.
Global cooperation levels have flatlined, according to a World Economic Forum report. There are, however, pockets of cooperation that remain promising.