COP27: 5 things to be hopeful about the climate summit and beyond
While much needs to be tackled at COP27, investment in renewable energy production is ramping up, as is the use of technology to provide more sustainable solutions.
While much needs to be tackled at COP27, investment in renewable energy production is ramping up, as is the use of technology to provide more sustainable solutions.
Enhanced geothermal systems could be better than existing battery technologies for storing excess renewable energy from wind and solar, new research says.
Countries around the world are investigating possible climate change solutions to help mitigate as well as adapt to the effects of global warming. Here are some ideas that could make a di...
Top energy stories: Energy prices expected to fall in 2023; Italy plans to double gas production; Could the global energy crisis speed up the green transition?
Cities are warming 29% faster than rural areas. Urban greening – raising levels of vegetation such as trees and rooftop gardens – is a way to counter this.
From millions facing power shortages in Ukraine to plans for a ‘green energy corridor’ in Europe, our round-up brings you the latest global energy news.
Una nueva investigación sugiere que los "lazos débiles" son más útiles que los contactos cercanos para la movilidad profesional. Los científicos estudiaron los datos de 20 millones de usu...
The EU’s innovation performance has grown by around 10% over the past eight years. Here are the most innovative countries in the European Union.
New research suggests that ‘weak ties’ are more useful than close contacts for career mobility. Scientists studied data from 20 million LinkedIn users.
The space economy is worth at least $469 billion, according to a new report. Digital infrastructure in the sky is bringing benefits to many industries.
Global energy crisis: From a warning that OPEC+ oil cuts could help cause a global recession, to Japan ramping up nuclear power, here's the latest energy news.
El Día Mundial de la Alimentación, que es un llamamiento anual a la acción, llama la atención sobre la cruda realidad de que millones de personas se ven afectadas por el hambre en el mund...
World Food Day, the annual call to action, brings attention to the stark reality that millions are impacted by global hunger today - and 8% of the world’s population will likely still be ...