Mothers have been some of the worst affected by COVID-19. Here’s how to help them
Women with young children have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 lockdowns. The IMF suggests four ways policymakers can help mothers.
Women with young children have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19 lockdowns. The IMF suggests four ways policymakers can help mothers.
Los países en desarrollo de bajos ingresos ya se encontraban en una posición vulnerable cuando comenzó la pandemia, pero el impacto del coronavirus amenaza con deshacer los progresos real...
COVID-19 está impactando a las mujeres y amenazando con revertir el progreso en el cierre de la brecha económica de género, pero con las políticas adecuadas esto puede ser mediado, dice e...
COVID-19 is impacting women and threatening to reverse progress in closing the economic gender gap, but with the right policies this can be mediated, says the IMF.
The COVID-19 is disproportionately affecting women economically, derailing years of progress to close the gender gap, but gender-responsive fiscal policy could help.