Rebuilding trust: Why workers must be included in decision-making
Workers are the backbone of the global economy and their meaningful participation in decision-making will be key in forging a path towards a better future.
Workers are the backbone of the global economy and their meaningful participation in decision-making will be key in forging a path towards a better future.
El cumplimiento de los objetivos de descarbonización, unido a los rápidos avances tecnológicos, requerirá una mano de obra más cualificada y com mayores competencias digitales.
The shipping sector currently accounts for 3% of CO2 emissions and decarbonizing the industry will require reskilling and coordinated global policy-making.
Ante la dependencia mundial del transporte, Stephen Cotton, de la Federación Internacional de los Trabajadores del Transporte, llama a mejorar la protección de los trabajadores del transp...
Transport workers and their unions are calling for action on six demands: safety, sustainability, corporate accountability in supply chains, the future of work, equality and rights.