Remote working is here to stay. But who will be doing it?
The potential for remote working is most concentrated in highly skilled, highly educated workers in a handful of industries and geographies
Susan M. Lund is IFC’s Vice President for Economics and Private Sector Development. She leads a large staff of economists that provide economic analysis to support IFC investments, including macroeconomic outlooks, country risk assessments, and country private sector diagnostics. She is also responsible for the Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring framework (AIMM) to assess the development impact of IFC investments; identifying opportunities to use blended concessional finance to enable investments in the lowest-income and fragile nations; and overseeing IFC’s research and thought leadership.
Prior to joining IFC, Ms. Lund spent over 20 years as a partner at McKinsey & Company and leader of the McKinsey Global Institute. In that role, she served as both an active research economist and an advisor to companies and policymakers
around the world. Her published research has focused on the evolution of global value chains and trade, financial market development, and technology and the future of work. Widely cited in the global media, Ms. Lund frequently speaks at international conferences and regularly writes articles and op-eds for leading business publications.
Ms. Lund, a U.S. national, served on IFC’s Economic Advisory Board. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the National Association of Business Economists, and the Bretton Woods Committee. She holds a PhD in Applied Economics from Stanford University.
The potential for remote working is most concentrated in highly skilled, highly educated workers in a handful of industries and geographies
As artificial intelligence and robotics become more and more prominent in workplaces across the world, some workers will be more impacted than others.
Despite today’s increased trade tensions, rising nationalism, and slowdown in global goods trade, globalisation is not in retreat. Instead, we enter a new chapter that is being driven by ...
As governments assess their external balances and competitive positions, they need to look beyond manufacturing and agriculture.
As machines become more advanced, the skills we use will change dramatically. But much more needs to be done to ensure that companies and workers thrive in this new era of automation and AI.
En los diez años transcurridos desde la crisis financiera global, la deuda en manos de corporaciones no financieras ha crecido 29 billones de dólares.
It's risen by trillions of dollars since the 2008 financial crisis.
The distribution of risk in the financial system needs to be controlled or it will spread fragility to the global financial markets.
El repliegue actual refleja un aumento de la aversión a riesgos y de su visibilidad derivado del estallido de la burbuja a fines de 2007.
Hace apenas 15 años, el flujo internacional de datos digitales era casi inexistente; hoy incide más sobre el crecimiento económico global que el flujo tradicional de bienes transables.
Laura Tyson and Susan Lund look at the impact of globalization, and the change towards a digital globalization.
A la par que la globalización redujo la desigualdad entre países, empeoró la desigualdad de ingresos dentro de ellos.
Exploring the flow of internet data and their impact on global activity in general.
La inclusión financiera es vital para el crecimiento económico inclusivo y la igualdad de género, y ha asumido un papel prominente en los esfuerzos de desarrollo globales -el Banco Mundia...
Susan Lund and Laura Tyson explore the possibilites of widespread digital finance.