Sven Smit

Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Sven Smit is a senior partner at McKinsey & Company and chair of the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), McKinsey's business and economics research arm, and a member of the McKinsey Board of Directors.

He leads MGI research on global economic trends and topics such as productivity and growth, urbanization, innovation and technology, labor markets and the future of work, emerging markets, and Europe's economic outlook. Recent MGI reports he coauthored include: The new social contract in the 21st century; Prioritizing Health: a prescription for prosperity; The future of work in Europe; Risk, resilience, and rebalancing in global value chains.

He helps McKinsey develop the firm’s point of view on core issues such as economic volatility, inflation, and uncertainty, and defines ways to help clients navigate the problems. As a leader of McKinsey’s global strategy & corporate finance practice, Sven works with leading companies to develop strategies for growth, serving all industries.

Sven is co-author of two business books, Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick (2018), and The Granularity of Growth (2008) and he is regular speaker at conferences around the world.
He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Delft University of Technology and an MBA from INSEAD.

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Financial and Monetary Systems


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28 Aug 2023