Tetsuji Ida

Senior Staff Writer and Editorial Writer, Kyodo News

Tetsuji Ida, born in Tokyo 1959, is a graduate of Tokyo University.
He studied sociology of science and technology. Since he was assigned as a staff writer of Kyodo News in 1983, he has covered environment and development issues from the Tsukuba Science City bureau and the science news desks in the Tokyo. From 2001 to 2004, he spent 3 years in Washington bureau in the US as a science correspondent. Since 2010, he is in a current position.

He begun working on environment and development issues in 1987; one of his major subjects is climate change since he is reporting this issue before UNFCCC was formally adopted and he was a main writer of KYODO NEWS at COP3 in Kyoto.
He reported environment and poverty issues and conservation efforts on the ground in many counties in Asia, Africa and the South America for more than 30 years.
He has covered many international conferences on multilateral environmental agreements including UNFCCC, CITES, CBD, Montreal Protocol, Ramsar Convention, WSSD in 2002 at Johannesburg, South Africa and Rio+20, Brazil in 2012. He has authored or coauthored twelve books on primate conservation, climate change, fisheries resources, toxic chemicals and natural resources management.

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深刻化する気候危機の緩和策として、「Nature based Solutions(NbS)」が注目されている。NbSを推進する上で、湿地は重要な役割を果たし、残された重要な湿地を守り、その再生を進めることは、気候変動の重要な緩和策となるだけでなく、自然の吸水力や保水力を利用・拡大することで、大規模化する傾向にある水害の防止などにも貢献する

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